Railsで ./script/plugin install will_paginate したらこんなメッセージが、

WILL PAGINATE MOVED TO GITHUB. This repository is no longer updated.
It's recommended that you install the gem instead of a Rails plugin:

  gem install will_paginate

The new repository is at: http://github.com/mislav/will_paginate

We have some wiki documentation, also: http://github.com/mislav/will_paginate/wikis

There you can find extensive installation instructions. Have a nice day!

-- Mislav


それと、gemでrails plugin入るの?すごい楽でいいんだけどRaPTの(まだよくわかってないけど)の存在意義は?

利用するplugin gemのバージョンとかはどうやって指定すんだろ。どっちにしろ喜ばしいッス。

