
$ brew install skipfish
$ skipfish -o log -W ~/homebrew/Cellar/skipfish/2.03b/libexec/dictionaries/minimal.wl


-Wで辞書を指定します。まずは簡単にと思って一番手軽そうなminimal.wlを選んでHam Cutletのサイトに対して実行してみました。


これが滅茶苦茶時間かかる。下記のScan timeを見てください。超簡単なサイトにminimal.wlでやっただけで4時間掛かりました・・・。

skipfish version 2.03b by 

  - -

Scan statistics:

      Scan time : 4:06:32.814
  HTTP requests : 544785 (36.8/s), 177569 kB in, 211488 kB out (26.3 kB/s)  
    Compression : 185 kB in, 529 kB out (48.1% gain)    
    HTTP faults : 9 net errors, 0 proto errors, 841 retried, 0 drops
 TCP handshakes : 5489 total (99.3 req/conn)  
     TCP faults : 0 failures, 8 timeouts, 2 purged
 External links : 28 skipped
   Reqs pending : 0           

Database statistics:

         Pivots : 29 total, 29 done (100.00%)    
    In progress : 0 pending, 0 init, 0 attacks, 0 dict    
  Missing nodes : 18 spotted
     Node types : 1 serv, 26 dir, 1 file, 0 pinfo, 0 unkn, 1 par, 0 val
   Issues found : 82 info, 10 warn, 1 low, 85 medium, 0 high impact
      Dict size : 2182 words (11 new), 35 extensions, 196 candidates
[+] Wordlist '/Users/komagata/homebrew/Cellar/skipfish/2.03b/libexec/dictionaries/minimal.wl' updated (11 new words added).
[+] Copying static resources...
[+] Sorting and annotating crawl nodes: 29
[+] Looking for duplicate entries: 29
[+] Counting unique nodes: 17
[+] Saving pivot data for third-party tools...
[+] Writing scan description...
[+] Writing crawl tree: 29
[+] Generating summary views...
[+] Report saved to 'log/index.html' [0x1366e0ff].
[+] This was a great day for science!


Skipfish - scan results browser



