PEAR :: PEPr :: Details :: HTML_QuickForm_LivesearchDescription This package adds an element to the PEAR::HTML_QuickForm package to dynamically create an HTML input text element that at every keypressed javascript event, returns a list of options in a dynamic dropdown select box(live dropdown select). This work can be done calling by XMLHttpRequest a script for sending the request to the server and retrieving data from the script output in a format depending on our needs. This type of livesearch is useful when you have a form with a dropdown list with a large number of row.
PEPrにDraftでHTML_QuickForm_Livesearch。 QuickFormでLivesearchができるとか。すごい便利そう・・・。 畜生!QuickFormワールドを広げようと企んでるぞ!
ref: QF Haters