PECL :: Package :: DBDO
DBDO performs 2 tasks:
1. Builds SQL statements based on the objects vars and the builder methods.
2. acts as a datastore for a table row. (ORM)
GNOME-DB consists of the following components:
mergeant: Front-end for database administrators and database application developers.
libgnomedb: Database Widget Library. These widgets are integrated with the latest versions of glade.
* libgda: data abstraction layer. It can manage data stored in databases or XML files and it can be used by non-GNOME applications.
libgdaはGNOME-DB Projectの産物でDBに限らず、XMLファイルなどのデータを抽象化したライブラリのようです。
PHP5 onlyなのが悲しいですがDBDOとにかく注目してます。